Saturday, March 15, 2014

Show time!

It's spring time in Japan!  Finally!!  Today has been the most beautiful so far this month.  

Wednesday I was planning to go into the studio but I ended up getting a cold... Fever, coughing, sore throat...yuck!  Anyways I was supposed to go to the studio but I couldn't because I was so sick...  I rented the studio for three hours.  I was upset that I couldn't go practice...  I have a show this Monday on March 17 but I've only practiced for two days for the show.  I am worried about one choreography but, it's pretty easy so maybe I can improvise if I forget.  :)

I've decided some things about my belly dance career recently.  After Hadia's teachers training I decided that I will explore different things about Bellydance and different teachers.  I'm really excited about exploring other things because of a lot of people supporting me.  I feel excited when I think about doing new things, studying with new teachers, and meeting new people!  

Last week I went to a class that teaches you how to dance with a live drummer.  It was really fun to hear the live music and I wished that where I am now had opportunities like that.   I feel at this point, it's up to me to teach myself and make what I want happen.  

Here's to my bellydance adventure!!