Saturday, December 15, 2012

Wedding dance

Next Sunday will be my first wedding dance! Actually, I don't know the bride and groom. The dancer who asked to dance with her knows them. I'm hoping it'll be ok! I'm not to worried about it.

We practiced last night and we were good until the ending... So I'm at the studio now to test out the costume and practice timing. Also I want to practice the choreography for tonight's class.

This last week was awfully stressful and several events occurred that really make me feel scared for the world. Maybe even scarf OF the world. It's saddening that our world is so different now but I'm really grateful that I grew up in a time I did. Maybe it was a little dangerous but we didn't have a threat at our schools.

But I'm feeling a bit down and even though I live in a relatively safe country, I feel nervous. I'm hoping that dancing today helps me feel the world is good. It is a good place but recently it seems there's so much bad happening but I'm sure more good is happening too. So I've decided to turn off the news or stop going to CNN.

Everyone stay safe and give love and a smile this holiday season!

Sunday, December 9, 2012

Level up!

First, I got a bad cold last week. With my luck, I got sick the day before my test and I usually have a bad first 3 days. But with a small fever (37C), coughing, and flushed skin, I danced Arabawy with choreography by the amazing Tito (taught to me by my teacher Miharu). I also did a technique test and I thought they would test me again on the things I failed on last time (arabesque, shimmy, and maya) but I got much easier technique. It was vibration shimmy (which amazingly came out), chest and stomach undulations and turning across the room.

I took the test last time with a much more elegant oriental song and since I was first, I got super nervous and blew it. I did make it in support dancer but I failed the advanced part. So this time, I decided that I was going to use a song that was fun and I was much more familiar with.

And I passed!!!!! Thank you Tito!! And Miharu!!!!!

Now I'm on to learning more difficult things!

Monday, December 3, 2012


So I wrote on my FB that my resolution for next year is to work towards pro. And I always hate being asked this question in general....


Why do I want to be pro? Well, it's easier to talk about the wrong reasons I am doing it. I'm not an attention whore, well, every girl likes attention and I do care how my hard work (or lack there of) comes out on stage. I'm not doing it to feel beautiful because I feel that anyways.

Can anyone really answer why? If we don't, does that mean our reason for doing something looks meaningless to others or it shows we lack reason? Does that show we don't care for the dance and are willy-nillying through it?

No. At least, that's my opinion.

When people ask me "why did you move to Japan?" The main base reason was "it was my dream". That was it. It was my dream and I'm still here in Japan. Of course I thought I could easily do music here and I tried but I ran into a lot of problems with that. In the end, I DID do music for 2 years and performed on stage. So I did achieve that dream.

As for belly dance. I'm making that dream up as I go. Someone told me I have to pay my dues but to that person, "paying your dues" applied to HER timeline. And her timeline did not work for me. I may have been learning for 2.5 years but I was doing basics for several years before.

Of course everyone has to and I feel I'm in that part of my dance life now. But I feel it's time for me to be serious. If I want to be pro in the future, why not start learning and training now?

I'm getting off track... Why? Why do I want to be pro? Because I do. I guarantee it's the same reason as every other professional. This is what I love to do. I love music, I love dancing, and I love entertaining people. My greatest joy is putting a smile on anyone's face.

I'm sure there's gonna be some commenter out there saying "what if no one smiles??? What then???" Well, sh*t happens and not everyone is gonna be into it. Also, if I could inspire someone to start belly dancing, that's great too.

When I was teaching English to 5th and 6th graders, my purpose was not to get them all to be BFF with English. If just one student came up to me and said "I want to learn English and be fluent!", then my job was done. I make things fun, entertain, and teach and if that inspires someone to do something (good of course), than that's my purpose for dancing.

So that's my why, I guess. To have fun, do what I love, and inspire someone to dance or do something that will bring them equal happiness.

If that's not a good enough why, then I don't know what is.