Wednesday, October 29, 2014

So much after so long!

Oops...  Looks like I haven't written here in a long time!

Last time I wrote, I had some shows in spring.  After my last show at Saray in Ginza, I left the studio to make it on my own.

I got an offer from a friend, who was pregnant, to dance at an Indian restaurant.  I thought it was a one time thing but the restaurant owner liked me so much that he requested I come back! I did a complete two stage show by myself for the first time.  I think it went really well.


I then entered last minute in the Tokyo Belly Dance Competition.  I ended up being a finalist!  

In February, my teacher, Hadia, just happened to use the song I decided on if I were to enter a competition.  Luckily, I already had an idea of what I wanted but I did end up using a small portion of it (with her permission of course).  I tried to incorporate things I liked about all the people I have learned from...  My first teacher's arabesques, Aziza's arms, and Hadia's feeling.  I didn't really have anyone check my choreography and I had to research tips and tricks for what you should consider in a competition.  

I was a bit nervous and the music was hard to hear when it started.  I had a feeling I would be late entering.  All in all, I had A LOT of fun and enjoyed talking to the other competitors!  I ended up taking second place!

I did cry...  Haha  It was just such an emotional point!  I was never so nervous! I was more nervous waiting to see what place I got, if any, than I was actually performing.  I felt like throwing up and fainting!  With going in last minute and giving myself only a month to get all the choreography together, I'd said the outcome was pretty good.  Although, I don't think competitions really judge who is a good dancer or not, I'm glad I did it once to say I did do it.  It was definitely a wonderful experience!

After the competition, I had a solo show at a turkish restaurant.  Sold out seats and even a tip!  It was really fun and they asked me back again.  However, due to a misunderstanding with the date (not on my part) and me not being available suddenly, I think they moved on...  Sad but it's probably for the best.

I haven't done a show for a month until last month!  Since I'm moving from Tokyo, I asked my friend Monica to dance with me at the Indian Restaurant again.  She is moving to Ishikawa-ken so it would be a great memory for both of us!

I had fun but I felt I could have done better.  Sometimes I feel "I have to do this...?", but I LOVE dancing and I have been lacking my passion for it.  At this show, I really should have practiced a bit more to get out of my funk.  With moving at the end of the year, I guess I've been preoccupied....  

Now we are in November!  I have another show at Samrat with a different set of dancers!  I'm looking forward to it!


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