Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Amierat 3 :: Soraia Event

Well, it's been a while!  I've been pretty busy with dancing this past month.  I did about 3 restaurant shows and 1 event...  I was so tired!

April 18th was a restaurant show at Mumbai.  The main dancer was Aisha and I danced with Yuyu.  The Sha'abi piece was really hard to get the formation right, so I have decided NOT to EVER dance it for a WHILE...  :(  We also danced an Oriental Veil piece but there were some technical difficulties with the veils and it being a small restaurant.  Somehow, when I went to pick up my veil and exit, it got jammed under the heavy tables.  :(  Fun show but wasn't the best one I've had...

I look pregnant in this one!   But I'm not!

May 2nd was a show at Siddique with Monica and Yuyu (again).  We danced a gypsy piece and it was much better this time.  I like a stage much better than customers being all around!  It makes thinking of formation easier!  This was my first time dancing with my friend, Monica, as the main dancer!  It was kind of weird but fun!


May 6th was my first show without a main dancer.  Luckily, me and Hiromi did very well with formation.  We had never been to the restaurant before so the Monday before that we went to see another friends' show there.  It was in the shape of a cross but I was so glad we got to see it, since they don't allow rehearsal time.  I danced a choreograph by Mercedes Neito.  It was very fun and I loved it!  I like dancing in groups but I really love to dance solo, because it feels so much more flexible and free.  Plus I got to debut my Sahar costume, which has been sitting in the closet since July last year!

The last event was the Soraia Zaied event!  It was really fun (with some costume troubles....) and really loved dancing with friends!

My next show will be with the main dancer as Yurie and I'll be dancing with Deema on June 18th!  Better start heading to practice!

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