Hello All! Who reads this journal??
This week I got my butt kicked my the stomach flu... It only lasted one day, but I was down for about 3 days. I'm feeling much better now but I had to miss my bellydance practice and formation check lesson on Tuesday...
It seems that every beginning of the year I get hit with a BIG sickness... How is this possible?? Last year, I got pneumonia and this year it's the stomach flu. It wasn't that bad but it's always before something big happening. Last year it was moving, and this year it's Hadia Teacher Training at the end of the month.
So I have that to look forward to! I'm so excited to see Hadia and lots of other of my favorite Japanese dancers on stage again this year! Plus I'm looking forward to the teacher training! Four days of Hadia!
Can you tell I'm excited??
Anyways, I have my first show of the year next Tuesday! I'll be dancing with one of my favorite partners Yuyu and main dancer Yurie! Plus, it's at my favorite curry restaurant Mumbai!